Maj Exchange Boards

Mah-Jongg FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Notice: All trades or sales are private transactions between individuals--the Exchange is simply a listing point for those who wish to make such trades and is no way involved in any transactions, nor may it be held responsible for any problems.

Individual Tiles Wanted

BUYERS: You can post a "Tiles Wanted" announcement here. BUT, before you post, please try, the NMJL, and our Tiles For Sale bulletin board. And read FAQ 7J. DO NOT SKIP OVER THESE LINKS: >

  • There are several Mah Jongg or Mahjongg groups on Facebook. You'll probably get more up-to-date information there about where to find those tiles. Let me know (via webmaster at if you encounter dead links or discontinued services below.
  • Matthew Shim's Mahjong Tile Replacements & Museum site carries a lot of different tiles to help you fill out your set.
  • Carol Harper's 13 Orphans site also can match tiles for you if you send a sample tile.
  • The National Mah Jongg League has an extensive tile replacement program to help players complete their tile sets (May to December).
  • Check the Tiles for Sale bulletin board to see if what you need is already offered from a vendor or individual seller. See FAQ 4a for even more leads.
  • If you are seeking a complete set (not individual tiles), please click the link at left for the "Sets Wanted" bulletin board.

    If none of that stuff works, then post an announcement here.

    Seekers: TO POST AN ANNOUNCEMENT: Email your announcement to or click the picture below to submit your Tiles Wanted post. In your email, you must specify the dimensions, color, and material of the tiles you need. You may submit one photo. If you want to share more than one photo: Click here to find out how to share photos online. Entries that are a waste of everyone's time because they do not provide sufficient information will not be posted. No shouting, please. Typing in all capital letters is considered "shouting." If any part of your post is typed in all capital letters, it will be converted to all lower case before going online. No information you provide through this website shall be deemed confidential.
    In February 2014, the U.S. instituted a ban on interstate sale of ivory items, and made it illegal to sell ivory items without a permit that can be obtained only by proving that the items were imported to the U.S. before the 1989 import ban. Consequently, do not ask for ivory tiles on this website; such posts are not accepted.
    Not sure if your other tiles are really ivory? See our What's It Made Of? page for assistance in how to tell ivory from bone.


    Click this picture, or email the address above, to submit your own announcement.

    SELLERS: Don't post announcements here. Just scroll down and read the posts. Then email posters who are looking for what you have to sell. You can post announcements on the Tiles For Sale board (see links at left). But make sure you read FAQ 7.n.


    Mah-Jongg posters take note! Be advised that sometimes your "for sale" post or "wanted" post can attract offers from scam artists who offer to buy your stuff (or sell you stuff) but are really trying to rip you off. Click here to see examples of actual scam emails received by participants on this site. And don't fall for these scams.

    Terms of Service
    Privacy Policy

    = @ (when emailing posters listed below, substitute symbol for...
    ...card suit symbol, or green dragon or red dragon, or # or [at] or © or whatever)

    On Monday, October 14, 2024 at 02:59:39 PM EDT, Tracy Materetsky <> wrote:
    Subject: Tiles Wanted
    Material: Bakelite 2 two tone
    Color(s): Butterscotch with dark blue wafer
    Tile(s) wanted: Any 8 tiles
    Sent from my iPhone

    On Saturday, September 14, 2024 at 12:44:11 PM EDT, Shelly Peretz <> wrote:
    Subject: In search of
    27/32 x 1 7/32 x 1/2 width x length x thickness (in inches)
    Tricolor lucite Royal Depth Control. Thank you

    On Tuesday, February 13, 2024 at 10:38:26 AM EST, Suzanne <> wrote:
    Tiles Wanted
    Material: not sure
    Color(s): green backs
    Dimensions: 1 1/8 long; 3/4 wide
    Tile(s) wanted:
    Either 8 jokers or 4 blanks
    Sent from my iPad

    On Sunday, September 10, 2023 at 08:13:27 PM EDT, Shelly Peretz <> wrote:
    Lucite Green 3-Layer Mahjong Mah Jongg Jong Tiles 1-3/16 x 7/8 x 7/16”
    I’m looking for Hand CarvedTri-layer (white-clear-green) flowers to fill in the missing flowers. I know that I don’t need the. To play but I would like them to complete my mother’s set. Thank you
    Matthew Shim did find one for me!
    Sent from my iPhone

    ?Material: Lucite
    Color(s): 3-layer green-clear-white
    Dimensions: 1-3/16 x 7/8 x 7/16”
    Tile(s) wanted: missing flowers
    More info: Crisloid Royal Depth Control Perching Pheasant Lucite Set

    On Saturday, April 1, 2023 at 11:58:03 AM EDT, Cynthia Clinesmith <> wrote:
    Year of the Horse Joker
    Sorry to bother you with such a small request. My friend just 'survived' cancer and the loss of her beloved horse....only to return to play and discover a joker missing from her favorite set...the year of the horse with the horse jokers.
    I couldn't figure out any of the 'tiles wanted' sites or bulletin boards. Can you help?
    Thanks so much.

    Cynthia, your request is now posted on the Tiles Wanted bulletin board. It's going to be next to impossible to find a specific joker tile. If your friend has any extra tiles in her set, she's best advised to just make a sticker. See FAQ 7-T. But if somebody just happens to be able to help you, they might see this bulletin board post. Good luck! And just checking, surely you've already tried all the sources linked above? - Tom

    On Sunday, March 26, 2023 at 04:07:25 PM EDT, wrote:
    Need More Flower Tiles
    We would like to play some of the older cards that needed 20 or more flower tiles.
    I would like to match the ones that we currently have in the sets.
    I was not able to buy them from the company I got the sets from.
    Is there a place that sells just flower tiles?
    Jim M

    If the usual "loose tile" vendors (above) don't have any flower tiles that match your tiles, you should obtain any tiles that match yours, and sticker them. FAQ 7-T describes how to make stickers. - Webmaster

    Post removed - seeker found that which was sought!

    On Monday, February 27, 2023 at 12:42:22 PM EST, Susan Hynicker wrote:
    Need any matching tiles
    Mr. Tim Sloper/webmaster, I must thank you, first off, for your many helpful FAQs! I have a 1979 Chinese Mah Jongg set with no jokers. I finally found a mah jongg group to learn the game from but cannot play American game with my set. I took your advice & emailed Mr. Shim, Mr. Levine, Pat Mead, & CHarli. So far 2 strikes out. I have scoured every single entry on both EBay & Etsy to no avail. I need 5 tiles of any suit to match my unusual & large set. Could you please post this on your tiles wanted board? Also, if you know of any companies or individuals who make or can create such tiles please let me know. Thank you, Sue Hynicker
    Sent from my iPhone

    [All I got is what you see on this site, Sue. Good luck! - Wibmaster]

    On Tuesday, February 21, 2023 at 10:06:19 AM EST, Shawn wrote:
    Mahjong tiles wanted
    Am hoping to find 8 tiles for my white with bright green layer & rounded corner mahjong tiles. Will take any prints on white face. The measurements are:
    1 5/16” x 15/16” x 11/16”. The green layer is 3/16” thick. It is a bright green color.
    Please see photo below.
    Thank you for any response-
    Shawn Leland
    Sent from my iPhone

    Tiles wanted
    On Saturday, September 3, 2022 at 11:30:28 PM EDT, Sheila Moragas <> wrote:
    I have a Chinese bakelite set that has a royal blue wafer back. I need four tiles. Attached are two pictures. I can send measurements if someone thinks they can match the color.

    Tiles For Sale
    On Friday, August 12, 2022 at 01:08:57 PM EDT, Karen Alix <> wrote:
    Tiles For Sale:
    Material the tiles are made of:
    URL where you can see pictures:
    Looking for replacement tiles for Loring P Rixford.

    On Monday, March 7, 2022, 04:55:53 PM EST, Christine Voboril <> wrote:
    Tiles Wanted
    Material: Catalin
    Color(s): butterscotch w red/green (but will consider similar)
    Tile(s) wanted: 2 big jokers
    Sent from my iPad

    Christine, Big Jokers are extremely difficult to find. You might find FAQ 7-T helpful (how to make stickers). Good luck! - Webmaster

    On Sunday, November 7, 2021, 10:21:53 AM PST, Marion Rothwell <smrothwell68 at> wrote:
    Tiles wanted
    Tiles For Sale:
    Material the tiles are made of:
    URL where you can see pictures
    I am interested in obtaining 4 blank tiles extra large size with a soft blueish hue or a soft pinkish hue
    My antique set came without jokers but I do have 4 blanks that can be used as jokers I just need 4 more!

    On Sunday, November 7, 2021, 10:27:57 AM PST, Marion Rothwell wrote:
    Re: Tiles wanted. Here is the photo of the blank ones. I have 4. Need 4 more

    Marion, make sure you try the links atop this page - Matthew Shim, Carol Harper, the NMJL... but the sad truth is that it's going to be very difficult to find extra tiles for your set. Players of American mah-jongg are better off just buying a set designed for playing modern (post-1970) American mah-jongg. Good luck! - Tom Sloper

    On Tuesday, June 1, 2021, 10:52:27 AM PDT, Shelley Yukelson <shelley2shoes [at)> wrote:
    Mah-Jongg Q+A
    My mah-jongg question is I have 1 missing 3 bamboo in my set. Do you know where I can purchase an extra Ivory cream 3 bamboo with the number 3 on the left.
    Thank you

    On Wednesday, April 14, 2021, 08:12:57 PM PDT, Phyllis Margolis <shortcakeⒶ> wrote:
    Tiles Wanted
    Color(s): white and pink
    Dimensions: 7/8” deep x 1-3/8” high x 1-1/16” wide
    Tile(s) wanted: 4 flowers
    URL (internet address) of online photos:
    These are Chinese mahjong tiles
    Please let me know if available
    Thank you
    Phyllis Margolis

    On Wednesday, July 29, 2020, 04:42:11 AM PDT, Dries Maes <Ⓐ> wrote:
    Looking for Tiles
    Hi webmaster!
    I'm Dries from Belgium and I've recently become a fan of mahjong, the game, but also the aged sets. Your website has been a great help to me, thanks for that!
    I have stumbled upon a great set.. Nice tiles, very smooth and shiny bone.. Great bone to bamboo ratio.. In a typical Chinese box with drawers.. Even including beautiful betting sticks, dice and wind indicators,..
    However, the set is missing its flowers and seasons.. It has 3*36 number tiles, 4*4 winds 3*4 dragons and 4 blanc replacement tiles. A total of 140 tiles.
    The set has however, a very unusual shape, at least from my limited experience.. The surface of the bone is slightly curved, which makes them easier to stack on top of the equally curved bamboo backs.
    To complete this set, I would need a minimum of 4 tiles.. Preferably flowers, seasons or blanc tiles. Even better would be 8 tiles, being both seasons and flowers.
    The set is one of the nicest sets that I have seen so far, so I would really like to complete it. If you know any others that might help, please feel free to forward my email! Thanks in advance!
    Kind regards,
    Dries Maes
    Pictures :

    In search of four blank tiles

    On Sunday, February 2, 2020, 08:02:12 AM PST, Emma Horn <horn.emmajⒶ> wrote:
    In Search Of Four Blank Tiles
    I purchased this set in an antique store in Hudson NY. When I got home to Florida, I realized there were no jokers but did contain four blank tiles. If I could find four more blanks, I could use the set. I saw this first picture on your website and the tiles look the same although I cannot see the back or side.
    Pic 1 is from your website.
    Pics two three and four are mine set.
    Can you help?
    Emma Horn

    Hi, Emma! I'm helping by posting your request on the Tiles Wanted board and pointing you to the Blank Tiles FAQ.
    Good luck! May the tiles be with you. (Literally!)
    Tom Sloper
    Author of "The Red Dragon & The West Wind," the definitive book on Mah-Jongg East & West.
    Author of the Sloper On Mah-Jongg column and the Mah-Jongg FAQs -- donations appreciated.
    02.02.2020 Palindromic Groundhog Day
    Los Angeles, California, USA

    On Thursday, January 9, 2020, 09:16:57 AM PST, <>  wrote:
    Mah-Jong Q+A
    My mah-jongg question or comment is: Bonjour, j’ai un jeu de mahjong auquel je tiens beaucoup mais il me manque des pièces, savez-vous où je pourrai en trouver ?
    Merci pour votre réponse
    D. de la Londe

    Bonjour, D.
    En anglais, s'il vous plaît.
    ● See the Tiles For Sale bulletin board where sellers of individual tiles post.
    ● You can post your own request on the Tiles Wanted bulletin board. Actually, your request is already posted there, but it does not provide enough information about what kind of tiles you need. Are your tiles plastic, bone-and-bamboo, or some other exotic material? What dimensions, what colors? You'll also need to provide a photo. Notice the links at the top of the Tiles Wanted board - links there to providers of tiles.
    ● If you manage to get some tiles but with the wrong designs engraved on them, FAQ 7T describes how to make your own labels/stickers.
    The Blank Tiles FAQ might also offer some useful suggestions.

    Good luck! I mean, bonne chance! May the tiles be with you... literally!
    Tom Sloper
    Author of "The Red Dragon & The West Wind," the definitive book on Mah-Jongg East & West.
    Author of the Sloper On Mah-Jongg column and the Mah-Jongg FAQs -- donations appreciated.
    January 9, 2020
    Los Angeles, California, USA

    On Wednesday, October 9, 2019, 04:05:02 PM PDT, arlene sandman ( wrote:
    Tiles Wanted
    Material: Resin
    Color(s): Translucent “Apple Juice”
    Tile(s) wanted: 8 tiles needed - 6 Jokers, 1 Crak & 4 Dot but will accept any tiles that match and use stickers.
    URL (internet address) of online photos:

    On Wednesday, October 9, 2019, 04:06:20 PM PDT, arlene sandman wrote:
    Tiles needed
    Looking for 8 tiles to complete this set. The tiles are Translucent Apple Juice Resin. Thank you for your help.

    On Monday, July 8, 2019, 08:40:53 PM PDT, Zoran Stojanovic <> wrote:
    Tiles Wanted..................from picture below need #8 dot i am from canada toronto but willing to pay
    Dimensions: 7/8 x 1 1/4 x 15/32 in inches
    Tile(s) wanted:
    URL (internet address) of online photos:

    [Post updated with dimensions and a second photo on August 7, 2019 - Webmaster]

    On Thursday, July 18, 2019, 07:40:48 AM PDT, Nijole Snow <> wrote:
    light green tile
    I have been given a light green American mah jongg with one missing tile and one chipped tile. I cannot identify the material it is made of because of the color. It has soft rounded edges and etched numbers in colors and gold chinese lettering on some.
    Your help is greatly appreciated.
    Thank you,
    Nijole Snow

    From: Gino <>
    Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2019 12:53 PM
    Subject: Tiles Wanted
    Material: enrobed Bakelite Met
    Color(s): burgundy
    Dimensions: 7/8 x 1 1/4 x 15/32 width x length x thickness (in inches)
    Tile(s) wanted: 4 crack, red Buddha joker
    URL (internet address) of online photos:

    Looking for a tile

    >From: Rose M
    >Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2019 11:46 PM
    >Subject: 2005 China Majiang Championship and Forum
    >Hi, I saw that you attended the China Majiang forum in 2005. Someone gave me a set from that championship and forum, because my daughter-in-law is from China (Hainan), and her mother is coming to visit her in NYC soon. Of course, her mom loves to play Mahjongg - the Chinese, not American version.
    >The set I have is the China version (no jokers), but it is missing one tile. Since you attended the championship, I was wondering if you could advise me on the maker of this set, and how I might be able to obtain a new tile. I believe that the tile I am missing is the East wind.
    >The back of the tile is green - but the color isn't correct in the photo. I do notice there are some lines in the green, although the back of the tile is smooth to the touch.
    >Could you direct me in any way? I am not sure what the composition of these tiles are, and I am hoping that since you were there, you may also have a set, and could help me with my detective work!
    >Many thanks.
    >Rose M

    Hi, Rose.
    Sorry to disappoint you. I don't have one of those sets, and I have no idea what company manufactured it. If you're not sure you need an E, make a big square as described in FAQ 7B.

    May the missing tile be with you. You can try the tile sellers (see the Tiles For Sale board. But the likelihood of finding that specialized tile is very low.

    Tom Sloper
    湯姆 斯洛珀
    Creator of the Sloper On Mah-Jongg column and the Mah-Jongg FAQs -- donations appreciated.
    Author of "The Red Dragon & The West Wind," the definitive book on Mah-Jongg East & West.
    Los Angeles, California, USA
    Valentine's Day, 2019

    From: Elizabeth D'andrea
    Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2019 12:55 PM
    Subject: Tiles Wanted
    Material: Portland Billiard Black material (maybe an 8 ball material?)
    Color(s): Black with white panels
    Tile(s) wanted: 8 tiles to be used for jokers
    URL (internet address) of online photos:
    Please contact Elizabeth D'Andrea

    Need blank tiles

    >From: Terilyn Schmuker <>
    >Sent: Saturday, February 2, 2019 7:48 AM
    >Subject: Tiles Wanted
    >I am trying to make an American set out of my Chinese set and I believe all I need is the 8 jokers. Do you know of anyone selling maybe some blank tiles with the maroon bake and this size?
    >Material: I believe it is a bakelite material
    >Color(s): Maroon and white
    >Dimensions: 1”2cm
    >Tile(s) wanted: 8 jokers or blank tiles
    >URL (internet address) of online photos:

    Hi, Terilyn! Read FAQ 7-Q. And they're not Bakelite; see FAQ 7-C3. May the tiles be with you. Literally!

    Tom Sloper
    湯姆 斯洛珀
    Creator of the Sloper On Mah-Jongg column and the Mah-Jongg FAQs -- donations appreciated.
    Author of "The Red Dragon & The West Wind," the definitive book on Mah-Jongg East & West.
    Los Angeles, California, USA
    Groundhog Day, 2019

    From: Nancy Winikor <>
    Sent: Sunday, December 9, 2018 1:38 PM
    Subject: black wafer Chinese bakelite missing tiles
    I am looking to complete 2 sets of smaller than average mahjongg tiles.
    Please look at the photos below. There are 2 different sets with the missing tiles as seen in the pictures.
    Here is the list of what I need:
    First set:
    (tile dimensions….11/16” W x 15/16” H x 7/16” D)
    (1) #1 Crak
    (1) #7 Crak
    (1) #6 Bam
    (1) green Dragon
    (2) flowers
    (5) blanks for jokers or tiles that can be stickered
    Second set:
    (tile dimensions…..12/16 “W x 16/16 or 1” H x 7/16” D)
    (1) South
    (1) North
    (1) Flower
    (1) #4 Dot
    (1) #9 Dot
    (4) blanks or tiles that can be stickered

    From: Bettina O'Mara <bettinaomara at>
    Sent: Tuesday, August 7, 2018 11:40 AM
    Subject: Mah-Jongg Q+A
    My mah-jongg question or comment is:
    I am looking for one tile to complete this beautiful set. Anyone have any orphan that might match (I will sticker it)?


    From: suzanne zeldin <>
    Sent: Monday, July 16, 2018 10:13 AM
    Subject: Needing tiles
    black enrobed bakelite
    mbt league, ny set
    6 jokers (or enrobed blanks)
    one 5 bam
    This set is beautiful, quite old &missing her sister tiles!
    Suzanne Z Schneider

    From: Peter Unwin
    Sent: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 9:13 PM
    Subject: 6 dot needed please
    I am looking for a 6 dot tile. The dimensions of this tile is as follows:
    Its overall measurements are:
    1 1/8" long x 6/8" wide x 1/2" high
    Please note the number 6 doesn't appear on the tile nowhere
    Also the four circles are red with green dot in the middle and around the outside of the 4 dots. The other 2 dots are blue on the outside of the dot with green and has a red dot in the middle as shown in the picture .

    From: Mary L
    Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2018 1:01 AM
    Subject: Tile wanted
    Material: plastic. - modern set
    Color(s): maroon base, white top
    Dimensions: 20mm wide, depth 12 mm, 28mm long.
    Tile(s) wanted: flower tile Red 4
    URL (internet address) of online photos: see attachment below

    From: Stanley Kriss <>
    Sent: Monday, April 30, 2018 3:53 AM
    Subject: Tiles Wanted
    Material: Bakelite
    Color(s): Burgundy back Bi-color
    Tile(s) wanted:
    I have two Bi-color sets that need tiles.
    I need a West and White Dragon for an Ivorycraft Set.
    I need 8 random tiles for Jokers for an AP Games Set.
    Both are bi-color with burgundy backs.
    URL (internet address) of online photos:

    From: Jeffrey Dicker
    Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2018 5:56 AM
    Subject: Mah Jong Tile
    I am in need of a 7 Dot tile for a Royal Burgundy Enrobed Mah Jong Set.
    Here are pictures of both sides of the needed tile.

    7 Dot Mah Jong Tile.jpg
    Hope you can help me. If additional information is needed, please e-mail me:
    Many thanks,

    From: Patricia Taegder <>
    Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2017 5:00 AM
    Subject: Tiles For Sale
    Tiles For Sale:
    Material the tiles are made of:
    URL where you can see pictures:I would like to purchase several times for my mahjong set that are missing.

    [Patricia, you should check the vendors listed atop this board, and also check the Tiles For Sale board. - Webmaster]

    From: Tami Solondz
    Sent: Sunday, July 23, 2017 10:23 PM
    Subject: Tiles Wanted
    Material: Amber Resin / Chinese Bakelite
    Color(s): Two-toned, amber and green
    Dimensions: 1.25” x 15/16” x 11/16”
    Tile(s) wanted: Any, preferably jokers
    URL (internet address) of online photos:
    This set came with four blanks and no jokers. Research has lead me to believe that these sets
    were only made with 4 jokers. I am using the 4 existing blanks as jokers. I need four more tiles
    to use as jokers.
    Thank you!
    Tami Solondz
    Aspen, CO 81611

    From: b40a <>
    Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2017 11:52 AM
    Subject: missing tiles
    I have a small travel set (green and white) missing three tiles. do you have any idea where to go to get tiles that small?
    Thank you
    Bonnie Ford

    [Bonnie, you should check the vendors listed atop this board, and also check the Tiles For Sale board. - Webmaster]

    From: Meeta Sawla <>
    Sent: Tuesday, June 6, 2017 12:07 PM
    Subject: Looking for additional Mah Jongg tiles
    I am hoping to find some additional tiles to add to my set. I have an older set that has 148 tiles with 4 blank tiles. I believe this is a Chinese set. To be able to play the American Mahjongg I am looking to add 4 more blank tiles and then use the Joker decals on them.
    I have looked through most of the other web sites you have mentioned and I did not find tiles the same size as mine.
    The tiles in my set are 1 1/4" L x 1" B x 3/4" D. They are two toned with green backs and made of some kind of plastic. I am attaching photographs.
    Could you Please help me.
    Thank you,
    Meeta Sawla

    Meeta, you should not restrict your search to blank tiles. Read FAQ 7Q. Good luck! - Tom

    From: Cindy Carroll
    Sent: Friday, May 12, 2017 12:52 PM
    Subject: mahjongg tile request
    hello, I received a travel mahjongg set that is a chinese set. I have 4 blank tiles, but need 4 more blanks to be able to play our natl. mahjongg.
    the set is jade & cream- colored vinyl plastic.
    tile width: 13/16"
    length or ht.: 1 1/16"
    depth 1/2" : green portion: 1/8"; white portion: 3/8"
    thank you,

    From: Ruth Zlotowitz <>
    Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2017 3:32 PM
    Subject: Tiles Wanted
    Material: Unknown, possibly plastic
    Color(s): Light blue back, clear middle and white front
    Dimensions: blue layer 1/4" thick, clear layer 1/8", white 3/16". Length 1 1/8" x width 7/8"
    Tile(s) wanted: 4 tiles for use with joker stickers
    URL (internet address) of online photos:


    Mah-Jongg sellers take note! Be advised that sometimes your "for sale" post can attract offers from scam artists who offer to buy your stuff but are really trying to rip you off. Click here to see examples of actual scam emails received by the webmaster of this site. And don't fall for these scams.


    Old posts are periodically removed. If your post was removed, please feel free to post again! To request removal of an outdated posting, email the webmaster. There are several bulletin boards on this site - when requesting removal of your post, please tell us which board your post is on (this is the TILES WANTED board).

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