♠ ♥ ♣ ♦ = @ (when emailing posters listed below, substitute @ symbol for...
...card suit symbol, or green dragon or red dragon, or # or [at] or whatever)
Mah-Jongg sellers and buyers take note! Be advised that sometimes your post can attract offers from scam artists who offer to buy your stuff, or sell you something, but are really trying to rip you off.
Click here to see examples of actual scam emails received by the webmaster of this site. And don't fall for these scams.
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Post removed - seeker found that which was sought!
On Saturday, March 19, 2022, 08:07:28 AM EDT, Bethany Asplundh <redbarnfarmmac.com> wrote:
Set Wanted
Set Wanted: Lunar Set (2009) or Shanghai Water Set (2013) by Red Coin/Dee Gallo
Set Wanted
On Friday, January 7, 2022, 11:01:25 AM EST, Cheryl Raiss <cherylraissgmail.com> wrote:
Dee Gallo money set wanted
cheryl raiss
On Wednesday, August 11, 2021, 05:04:38 PM PDT, gayle schneider <ggalley111aol.com> wrote:
Set Wanted
Set Wanted: Minimum # of tiles needed: Preferred color of tiles: Material the tiles should be made of: Type of case desired: Accessories that must be included:
I am interested in the red wafer Bakelite Mahjong set. They must have soaps not blank ones for soap. They must be complete I don’t mind blanks for jokers thank you so much
on sunday, august 30, 2020, 10:54:47 am pdt, celia&patrick boyce <cp.boyce
comcast.net> wrote:
mah jong set wanted!
anyone know where i can obtain a dee gallo's limited edition money set?
thanks so much,
celia boyce
On Sunday, March 22, 2020, 04:06:32 PM PDT, lions8386gmail.com wrote:
Set wanted
I hope you are well. I was hoping to post a “set wanted” and would like to keep my name hidden. Can I just use my email?
I am looking for a tricolor set from Hong Kong without Arabic numbers and green (not mint) for the colored part. It was the set I grew up with and would like to have my own. I would like excellent/very good condition and all pieces. Please let me know what I need to do to post this. Thanks!
[It's posted, lions. I assume the third color is "transparent." - Tom]
New info, March 24:
Set Wanted: tricolor white/clear/green from Hong Kong from 60’s-70’s without Arabic numbers
Minimum # of tiles needed: 144, complete set, but blank tiles would be great
Preferred color of tiles: white/clear/green
Material the tiles should be made of: plastic
Type of case desired: faux leather with the internal trays
Accessories that must be included: dice, wind indicator
Looking for a specific type of set
On Friday, January 10, 2020, 06:45:35 PM PST, Pauline <paulinev96bigpond.com> wrote:
Mah-Jongg Q+A
My mah-jongg question or comment is: Hi I am looking for a 160 set of Mahjong with cat, mouse, rooster and worm, how can I obtain this, as I am finding it very hard. I also need numbered tiles.
Pauline Evans
Hi, Pauline.
All I've got for you are these:
● See the Sets For Sale bulletin board where sellers of sets post.
● You can post your own request on the Tiles Wanted bulletin board. (You don't need to - this is already posted there.)
● See FAQ 7k for where to buy sets.
● And there's a short list of top vendors in FAQ 4a. Just contact them by phone or email and see if they have what you need.
Good luck!
May the tiles be with you... literally!
Tom Sloper
Author of "The Red Dragon & The West Wind," the definitive book on Mah-Jongg East & West.
Author of the
Sloper On Mah-Jongg column and
the Mah-Jongg FAQs -- donations appreciated.
January 10, 2020
Los Angeles, California, USA
>From: Sue Sanborn <ssanborn at normandeau.com>
>Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2019 11:56 AM
>Subject: Red Coin MahJong Set wanted
>I am interested in the Shanghai set, but would be interested in any of Dee gallo’s sets.
>Thank you,
>Sue Sanborn
From: Kitty Carter <kitty.carter at me.com
Cc: tomster@sloperama
Sent: Sunday, March 24, 2019 9:10 AM
Subject: Eastern Majhong set
Dear Tom:
Do you have any suggestions to where I can purchase the set listed below?
I can be reached at wcarter3 at gmail.com.
kitty carter
Don't worry about anything; instead, PRAY about everything. Philippians 4:6
From: Kristine Mann
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2019 7:28 AM
Subject: Set Wanted
Set Wanted: old Cardinal set with RED tiles
Minimum # of tiles needed: 144-152
Preferred color of tiles: RED
Material the tiles should be made of:
Type of case desired: not necessary
Accessories that must be included: none
Lorna Peachin lpeachingmail.com
From: Pam Feld-Randel <phaj4aol.com>
Sent: Sunday, July 30, 2017 6:32 PM
Subject: Set Wanted
Set Wanted: tri colour
Minimum # of tiles needed: 152
Preferred color of tiles: any tricolor
Material the tiles should be made of: tricolor lucite
Type of case desired: holds set
Accessories that must be included: racks
from: "janesolo1aol.com"
Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2017 9:59 AM
Subject: Set Wanted
Set Wanted: Minimum # of tiles needed: 152 (American Mahjongg)
Preferred color of tiles: Any
Material the tiles should be made of: Any
Type of case desired: Any
Accessories that must be included: Any
I am going to be teaching Mahjongg at a group home for foster children/young adults.
I will be teaching resident teens & young adults, staff & volunteers.
The set(s) would be given to the group home.
If anyone has a set in South Florida to donate, it would be greatly appreciated. Will also pay for shipping.
From: Peter Ott <peter.james.ottgmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, January 8, 2017 11:08 AM
Subject: set wanted
Set Wanted: Shanghai luck water creatures, or set with a gold fish on the 1st bam.
Minimum # of tiles needed: 144
Material of tiles: Bone and bamboo, at least 50/50
Type of case desired: N/A
Accessories that must be included: N/A
Thank you!
From: joe powers <jpowers1031hotmail.com>
Cc: Elizabeth Brady <e.b.bradygmail.com>
Sent: Monday, September 5, 2016 7:02 PM
Subject: Set Wanted
Set Wanted: Any Red Coin from designer Dee Gallo (American)
Minimum # of tiles needed: 152
Preferred color of tiles: Shanghai water creatures, music, preferred but will entertain any set
Material the tiles should be made of:
Type of case desired: original
Accessories that must be included: original racks,etc
thank you
From: Paula Hammons <paulahammonsyahoo.com>
Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2016 10:55 PM
Subject: Set Wanted
Set Wanted: I am looking for an American mah jongg set
Minimum # of tiles needed: 152 tiles
Preferred color of tiles: butterscotch
Material the tiles should be made of: catalin or bakelite
Type of case desired: case isn't important
Accessories that must be included: catalin racks
chinese characters for dragon tiles
My group is getting tired of bringing their sets to my house.
Hope you can help me out.
Sent: Monday, June 20, 2016 8:06 PM
Subject: Set Wanted
Set Wanted: I am looking for an American style mah jongg set with long-tailed peacock one bams (and picture frame white dragons ideally)
Minimum # of tiles needed: 152 tiles
Preferred color of tiles: white or ivory color. Two tone or enrobed tiles would be amazing--but I won't hold my breath
Material the tiles should be made of: I think these were made in bakelite or catalin
Type of case desired: doesn't matter
Accessories that must be included: racks would be nice
Thanks for your consideration!
Michelle Goldberg megold7nyaol.com
From: "Mulholland, Norine" <NMulhollandmtsinai.on.ca>
Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2016 11:54 AM
Subject: Set Wanted
Set Wanted: Vintage set wanted
Minimum # of tiles needed: 152
Preferred color of tiles: No preference
Material the tiles should be made of: Bakelite
Type of case desired: No preference
Accessories that must be included: A complete vintage set from 1930s-1960s would be great. I prefer the primary coloured racks. Must be willing to ship to Canada. Thanks!
From: Frances Hammond <franceshammondmac.com>
Sent: Saturday, April 2, 2016 10:37 AM
Subject: Set Wanted
Set Wanted: Cardinal Tri Color Pink
Minimum # of tiles needed: 152
Preferred color of tiles: pink/clear/white
Material the tiles should be made of: lucite/plastic
Type of case desired: any/none
Accessories that must be included: any/none
Complete set, or just the tiles
From: ?chris (cfrtrashyahoo.com)
Sent: ?Thursday, February 25,2016
Subject: Set Wanted
Set Wanted: ?American Mah Jongg set (complete)?
Minimum # of tiles needed: 152 Matching tiles American numerals
Preferred color of tiles: ?No preference
Material the tiles should be made of: Bakelite or Catalin Or Resin Tiles
Type of case desired: Not a requirement, optional
?Comments: ?I am just learning the game of Mah Jongg and want a set of my own. I played a little as a teenager with my mom in the latae 60s but don't know what happened to her set. I would prefer an older complete set rather than a new set from a Big Box Store. It doesn't have to be in the best shape but I would like the tiles to match. A real plus would be if it had 8 Jokers instead of stickers. I don't know how realistic this wish is.
From: joan <genejoanoptonline.net>
Sent: Sunday, July 5, 2015 10:27 PM
Subject: Set Wanted
Set Wanted:
Minimum # of tiles needed: 152 Matching tiles American numerals
Preferred color of tiles: RED
Material the tiles should be made of: Red Bakelite or Catalin Or Resin Tiles
Type of case desired: Not a requirement, optional
Accessories that must be included: Optional
From: midgleycc
Sent: Wednesday, April 15, 2015 8:25 AM
Subject: Set Wanted
Sets Wanted: Coronet set and Shanghai Luck set wanted. Contact Cheryl Midgley @ midgleyccbellsouth.net
Mahjong Collector Magazine
>From: Katherine Hartman
>Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2015 6:52 AM
>Subject: The Mahjong Collector Magazine - Now Taking Subscription Orders
>For release February 2015
>The Mahjong Collector
>New print magazine
>Now taking subscription orders
>Contact information: info@mahjongcollector.com
>Unique to the special interest, print magazine market is the new quarterly magazine, The Mahjong Collector.
>This publication is unique for it is the only periodical dedicated to a diverse group of people - Mahjong tile set collectors, be they also players, researchers or students of the game.
>Published by The Mahjong Collector Company Limited, The Mahjong Collector magazine will be composed of a range of in-depth articles and interviews, accompanied by high quality photographs, in glorious colour, of tile sets found in personal collections and museums.
>The authors are drawn from all fields of enquiry and creativity related to the tile set, such as origins, materials, language symbolism, cultural variations and the aesthetics of tile set decorations for example.
>This is a United Kingdom publication. Subscriptions: subscriptions@mahjongcollector.com Subscription rates for four quarterly issues: UK £26.00, USA $56.00, all other mailing addresses please inquire at info@mahjongcollector.com
Click image to see full size
And might I add, there will be articles by me! (^_^)
Tom Sloper
湯姆 斯洛珀
Creator of
the weekly Mah-Jongg column and
the Mah-Jongg FAQs -- donations appreciated.
Author of "The Red Dragon & The West Wind," the definitive book on Mah-Jongg East & West.
Los Angeles, California, USA
March 2, 2015
From: Dawn Bowman <dawnbowman56gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2014 7:21 AM
Subject: Anyone know who manufactures a mah jong set with flowers names printed on the tile
I'm looking for a manufacturer that prints the names of the flowers and seasons on the tiles. like the one in my attachment.
Please Help.
Thank you,
I’m Believing God,
From: susan halenza
Sent: Friday, January 10, 2014 2:42 PM
Subject: Set Wanted
Set Wanted: enrobed bakelite
Minimum # of tiles needed: 152 min
Preferred color of tiles:
Material the tiles should be made of: bakelite
Type of case desired: standard
Accessories that must be included:
susan halenza
please update my email to shalenzagmail.com
From: Sandy
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2013 12:12 PM
Subject: Set Wanted
I'm just starting out as a new player. I am interested in purchasing a complete mahjong set that includes pushes. I can be reached at sanpepaol.com. Thank you
From: betsy newlife
Sent: Friday, March 22, 2013 9:40 PM
Subject: POsting for website please
I am looking to purchase an older set...like from the 1970's.....they made it in both green and in pink. The tiles have rounded edges are feel silky.....ish... I would say they feel like soapstone...but know they are not made of that material.
I can't find a picture of them but 2 friends have them. I cant take a pic...I dont want them to think me a copy cat.... LOL
Love their tiles. I have 8 sets already,.....and seem to have become a collector.
Please email me at Betsyneedsalifeyahoo.com if u have seen such sets or know a friend with one...maybe I can negotiate it away from them, for a newer set.....
I Love You Flowers 'The happiest of people don't necessarily
have the best of everything;
They just make the most of everything they have!
.•* *~`:Beyann.•* *~:
From: "Tatiec
Sent: Sunday, June 24, 2012 9:21 PM
Subject: Wanted MahJongg Set
Seeking one vintage Olive Oil (light green) colored tiles, American mah jongg set, complete with 152 tiles, dice, racks and case. Will pay TRUE market value depending upon condition. Reply to:
[Post removed - the poster found that which was being sought! - Webmaster]
From: Vicki Wayne-Ross
Email: vickiandjeffaol.com
Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2011 5:55 AM
Subject: Set Wanted
Set Wanted: American
Minimum # of tiles needed: 152
Preferred color of tiles: Ivory
Material the tiles should be made of: doesn't matter
Type of case desired: doesn't matter
Accessories that must be included: doesn't matter
I am trying to buy my wife a new or slightly used set for hannukah. I live in CT but am willing to travel in the New York area to purchase.
Thank you,
From: Terri Serein
Sent: Saturday, November 12, 2011 4:50 PM
Subject: Looking for an E.S. Lowe Vintage Ashrack Mah Jong Set
I'm looking for a vintage E.S. Lowe Mah Jong Ashrack set. Please send info to sereindpt中yahoo.com
Required for National Mah Jong League play:
152 tiles in good condition (8 Jokers/8 or more Flowers - matching stickered Jokers okay)
4-5 Ashracks with original ashtrays
Orignal case
Matching coin bank
Most important is the racks are to be Mah Lowe Ashracks. Prefered five matching racks. Thanks.
From: Toni Harlan
Email: toniharlan溌cox.net
Sent: Mon, March 14, 2011 11:46:24 PM
Subject: Set Wanted
Set Wanted: french ivory
Minimum # of tiles needed: 152, 144 ok
Preferred color of tiles: french ivory
Material the tiles should be made of: french ivory
Type of case desired: -
Accessories that must be included: -
From: Toni Harlan
Email: toniharlan中cox.net
Sent: Mon, March 14, 2011 11:47:40 PM
Subject: Set Wanted
Set Wanted: sitting or soaring sparrow
Minimum # of tiles needed: 144 prefer 152
Preferred color of tiles: light-ivory or cream or butter
Material the tiles should be made of: bakelite
Type of case desired: -
Accessories that must be included:
From: Deborah L Habel
Sent: Monday, July 19, 2010 9:06 PM
Subject: Set Wanted
Set Wanted: Any, even partial.
Minimum: Donation
I am fundraising for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society through their Team in Training program (http://tinyurl.com/deb4lls). My teammates and I are assembling a Maj tournament in suburban Detroit next month. We are looking for Maj sets (full and incomplete) that owners would be willing to donate to the cause. Sets & Tiles received will ultimately be used as door prizes and/or made into jewelry as participant gifts. I am willing to provide receipts for these “in-kind” donations at the value you define. Thank you in advance for your consideration of our request. Contact: debhabelcomcast.net
From: Shepard Midgley
Sent: Tue, January 26, 2010 3:38:15 PM
Subject: posting for sets wanted
Wanted: Shanghai Luck set. Please contact Cheryl Midgley midgleycc溌bellsouth.net
Thank you
[Post deleted - Poster found that which s/he was seeking! - Webmaster]
Email = kongN8R[AT]gmail.com
Item wanted = i'm seeking one of those 1920s sets with hollow tin tiles.
[Old old posts deleted - Feel free to repost if you're still seeking! - Webmaster]
2009 is the Year of the Ox!
(Click to see your New Year's card.)
Tom Sloper
January 26, 2009
Mah-Jongg sellers take note! Be advised that sometimes your "for sale" post can attract offers from scam artists who offer to buy your stuff but are really trying to rip you off.
Click here to see examples of actual scam emails received by the webmaster of this site. And don't fall for these scams.
Old posts are periodically removed to make the page load faster on computers using slower modems and to regulate traffic on this site. Our apologies for any inconvenience caused. If your post was removed, please feel free to post again! To request removal of an outdated or erroneous posting (or a spam), email the webmaster. There are several bulletin boards on this site - when requesting removal of your post, please tell us which board your post is on (this is the SETS WANTED board).