FAQ 7. All About Mah-Jongg Sets
Latest update: Jan. 1, 2023
What do you want to know about mah-jongg sets?
7a. What type of mah-jongg set is it?
7b. Does it have all the necessary tiles?
7c. What are my tiles made of?
7d. Does it have all its bits and pieces?
7e. What are these mystery tiles?
7f. What kind of table should I get?
7g. How old is my set?
7h. How much is it worth?
7i. Mah-Jongg Cards... and Kards.
7j. Tips For Buyers.
7k. Where To Buy sets in North America.
7m. Where To Buy In Tokyo & Hong Kong.
7n. Tips For Sellers.
7o. Cleaning and Restoring Mah-Jongg Tiles.
7p. "Tell me anything about my mah-jongg set."
7q. "I need blank tiles."
7r. "I need jokers."
7s. Ideas for sight-impaired players.
7t. How to make joker stickers (or tile replacement stickers).
7u. Info on mah-jongg manufacturers.
If your question isn't covered in any of the above FAQs, click here to ask your question on the Q&A Bulletin Board.
Definition of terms:
"FAQ" = "Frequently Asked Question"
"Q&A" = "Question and Answer"
Contributors: Keishiro Tanaka, Olav Lund, J. Hunter Johnson, Gareth Saunders.
Update log:
March 22, 1999 -- added sections on Kards, Flowers, ivory, bakelite.
March 27, 1999 -- added URL for the Maj Exchange (how to tell what your tiles are made of), and info on Mhing cards.
June 23, 1999 -- added info about Mah Jongg News card; minor wording changes throughout.
June 23, 1999 -- added Maj Exchange website
November 24, 1999 -- added AMJA info
April 19, 2000 -- updated the MJ Cyber Museum URL
July 21, 2000 -- added print-it-yourself mah-jongg cards site
August 2, 2000 -- removed 2 now-defunct URLs
August 10, 2000 -- dropped a site from the list of sites where sets are for sale (no sets for sale at now-outdated URL)
September 29, 2000 -- changed FAQ URL from activision.com to thegameguru.net, added more ivory sites, added mahjonggsets.com site
October 18, 2000 -- corrected the FAQs' URL to match actual direct URL.
November 8, 2000 -- added James Masters' UK site
December 8, 2000 -- changed FAQ URL to sloperama.com
March 26, 2001 -- several changes. Thanks very much to The Revd Gareth J. M. Saunders! There were still references to the beachsite.com address of the Maj Exchange, and of course it's now at Sloperama.com (very silly oversight on my part!). R. Somerville moved to France; fixed a bad URL for the NMJL order form. And added USA Mahjongg Club reference.
May 23, 2001 -- added URL for Gareth Saunders' FAQ for buying mah-jongg supplies in the United Kingdom
May 25, 2001 -- added more info about tables.
June 6, 2001 -- began the process of integrating Maj Exchange pages into the old FAQs
June 18, 2001 -- Version 2.00 (massive reorganization into HTML format; integration with pages from the Maj Exchange)
June 19, 2001 -- Added pictures and lots more information to reorganized FAQ.
June 20, 2001 -- Still adding stuff -- lots more to add.
June 21, 2001 -- added info about green dragons in FAQ 7e; upgraded the value of bone-and-bamboo sets in FAQ 7h.
June 22, 2001 -- added photos to FAQ 7f, 7i, and 7k.
January 19, 2002 -- noticed that although I've made numerous improvements and alterations throughout the various pages of this FAQ, I'd forgotten to make note of them here in the update log for the past 6-7 months. Maybe I'll give up keeping a log on this FAQ entirely. So shoot me.
All subsequent updates to this FAQ are listed at https://www.sloperama.com/mjfaq/log.htm
This FAQ copyright 2000-2014, 2023 by Tom Sloper. Replication/reproduction by permission of the author only.