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FAQ 5. "What are some electronic Mah-Jongg games (real mah-jongg, not tile- matching games) that I can play, download or purchase over the Internet, and where can I find them?"

Last update: October, 2024
  • Note that Adobe ended Flash Player on December 31, 2020 and blocked Flash content from running in Flash Player beginning January 12, 2021. Adobe strongly recommends all users immediately uninstall Flash Player to help protect their systems.
  • To report dead links or Flash games or no-longer-functional games on this page, please email webmaster at sloperama.com. Dead links removed Jan. 2023.
  • Not all of these sites come with support links, or any way to contact the game's developer.



    MAHJONG COMPETITION RULES (Chinese Official rules)

    JAPANESE RIICHI/DORA MAJAN - Some of these may be in the Japanese language and may require you to have specific tools or plugins. But the popularity of Japanese riichi-dora majan is growing by leaps and bounds in the twenty-first century.

    INTERNET - ONLINE PLAY (these should all work on any device capable of playing internet games)

    WINDOWS (NOTE: these games are played solo (offline), not against other people via the internet, unless indicated otherwise.

    APPLE (MacOS) (For online internet games,
    see the "Internet - Online" section).


  • Yakuman Advance Review http://www.gamefaqs.com/portable/gbadvance/review/R75075.html English-language guide to the Nintendo Game Boy Advance game, "Dokodemo Taikyoku: Yakuman Advance" (Thanx to Chris Stamper)


    Julian Bradfield's game: http://www.stevens-bradfield.com/MahJong/


    If I missed any Mah-Jongg games that are available for play, download, or purchase at websites, let me know and I'll add them to the list.

    Archive-name: mjfaq05.htm
    Newsgroups: rec.games.mahjong, fj.rec.games.mahjong, japan.videogames.datsui-mahjong
    Posting-frequency: n/a (it's on the web; only FAQ 0 is posted weekly on the newsgroups)
    Last-modified: Cinco de Mayo, 2002
    Version: 2.24

    The other FAQ articles are located at: http://www.sloperama.com/mjfaq.html.

    Update log:

    January 18, 1999 (added info on WebTV and modified last 3 paragraphs)
    Feb. 3, 1999 (added CoolHot PlayZone Online Mahjong in Java section)
    Feb. 9, 1999 (added Acer's 13th Asian Games)
    Feb. 26, 1999 (added clarification re WebTV, Acer's online game, and Taiwan URL)
    Feb. 28, 1999 (changed URL for Alan Ng's IMS server site)
    Mar. 4, 1999 (added Access Girls' Internet Mahjong)
    Mar. 18, 1999 (added MJ99)
    Mar. 19, 1999 (added Palm Pilot)
    Mar. 22, 1999 (tested all links, moved 2 to inactive section at bottom; deleted Unix section as redundant with Java section)
    May 6, 1999 (updated the Coolhot link)
    May 12, 1999 (added "The Real Mah Jong" for DOS)
    July 8, 1999 (moved the Arcanium game to the inactive sites list)
    July 14, 1999 (added Chinitsu Mania)
    October 8, 1999 (moved Arcanium back to the active list -- it's working again)
    October 9, 1999 (added mah-jongg non-playable software sites)
    November 3, 1999 (added Ed Pijl's new online-playable MJ site)
    November 20, 1999 (added Shanghai: Second Dynasty and Shanghai: Mah-Jongg Essentials)
    December 28, 1999 (updated the WebTV section and some Shanghai URLs)
    January 5, 2000 (changed the IMS Singapore server URL)
    February 28, 2000 (updated the Touzai URL, thanks to Martin Rep)
    March 30, 2000 (updated Matti Larborn's URL, thanks to Martin Rep, and added NMJL game)
    March 30, 2000 (added Pon-Jong site thanks to Martin, and modified the WebTV section slightly)
    April 20, 2000 (moved Alan Ng's IMS site to the inactive list)
    April 27, 2000 (added several new sites; Chinese-language "Mahjong Master" (not to be confused with tile-matching game of the same name) [Windows]; an alternate site for Netmaj (or possibly another site using the same name) [Java]; and Tenny Woo's "HK Majong" (not to be confused with Nine Dragons' "Hong Kong Mahjong") [Java, Palm]
    June 12, 2000 (moved Contest of Taiwan Ma Jong to the inactive websites list)
    July 8, 2000 (added Chinagames.net site)
    July 10, 2000 (added e-gameNet.com site)
    July 16, 2000 (added the cell phone (WAP) game)
    September 29, 2000 (changed FAQ URL from activision.com to thegameguru.net)
    October 18, 2000 -- corrected the FAQs' URL to match actual direct URL.
    November 11, 2000 -- added Games Domain's online mahjong sites
    November 23, 2000 -- updated the e-gameNet.com URL (English-language page)
    December 8, 2000 -- changed FAQ url to sloperama.com
    December 31, 2000 -- added E. DeTocqueville's French-language Java game; added reference to FAQ 12 (tile-matching games)
    January 22, 2001 -- added Julian Bradfield's Unix game (also works on Windows)
    February 8, 2001 -- added Zoogi site
    February 13, 2001 -- added Mahking site
    February 13, 2001 -- added mjclub.com (Mahjong Network China) thanks to Karl Hung!
    February 16, 2001 -- added Sina Games site
    March 1, 2001 -- added demo download site for Berrie Bloem's game
    March 6, 2001 -- added German-language Palm scoring program thanks to Orwell!
    March 6, 2001 -- added email 2P mah-jongg thanks to mudbugs2000!
    March 10, 2001 -- added Psion software thanks to Gareth J. M. Saunders!
    May 3, 2001 -- added giganet online game thanks to yamazaki kaname (kaname@sammaniax.com)
    May 15, 2001 -- moved Netmaj sites to the inactive list (they don't seem to function anymore)
    May 18, 2001 -- moved the Shanghai sites to the inactive list (ditto)
    June 20, 2001 -- updated the Access Girls download URL (thanks to Kevin Gowen)
    June 20, 2001 -- added carriage returns (some lines ran offscreen to the right)
    June 25, 2001 -- added Free Mah Jong Games Online site (thanks to Martin Rep) -- abbr: FMJGO
    June 29, 2001 -- added University of Maryland's Project Glue site, and added a note to the FMJGO listing
    June 30, 2001 -- Naoki told me I'd not deleted all Shanghai sites and informed me that there was still some Shanghai information available at Activision's site; so added that clarification.
    July 23, 2001 -- updated the location of Harrison Leong's Palm "Pocket Mahjong" site
    July 25, 2001 -- added hangame.co.jp (mah-jongg and hanafuda)
    July 25, 2001 -- deleted "Free Mah Jong Games Online" site (there don't appear to actually be any mah-jongg games there)
    August 3, 2001 -- fixed a broken URL (mahjong-nl.com changed to mahjongnews.com quite some time ago). Thanks to Russell Johnson of Activision for the tip!
    August 3, 2001 -- edited the info about Activision's Shanghai pages
    August 13, 2001 -- added Fatchoising Mahjong Club and MahJong Luck
    October 3, 2001 -- added a couple more sites
    October 14, 2001 -- added a couple more
    October 23, 2001 -- minor change to the Mindertech entry (thanks to Gareth Saunders)
    October 28, 2001 -- deleted Activision's pages about Shanghai (they are now gone)
    November 23, 2001 -- updated the WebTV section
    December 11, 2001 -- added a link
    December 11, 2001 -- converted FAQ to HTML format
    March 5, 2002 -- further edited the info about Activision's Shanghai games
    March 23, 2002 -- added Majong Academy 1.00
    April 7, 2002 -- deleted and fixed several broken links (including Arcanium, Access Girls, and a few others); deleted inactive sites list (thanks to Martin Rep)
    April 16, 2002 -- updated the info about the NMJL game, and duplicated it in the Internet section since the game is played online after downloading (Windows only)
    Cinco de Mayo, 2002 -- changed Flipside to iWin (thanks to Marvin)
    June 14, 2002 -- henceforth, all updates are logged at http://www.sloperama.com/mjfaq/log.html

    Copyright 2000-2024 Tom Sloper. All rights reserved.