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By Tom Sloper
June 15, 2008

Column #368

American Mah-Jongg (2008 NMJL card). Charleston exercises. What would you pass, and why? No peeking ahead!

1. The first thing I do is look for pairs. This deal has sevens and greens. Those can make Consec. #6 and Quints #3. The latter is unlikely with just one joker and one wind. The former doesn't look too great either. But this is a strong start for 13579 too, and there are three obvious or easy passers - 3D, 9D, N.

2. Sevens and norths suggest W-D #4. But again, 13579 is a standby family here. Passing E and 4B should be a no-brainer. For the third tile I don't want to give up 3D or 8D just yet - 1C or G can go too.

3. These sevens keep coming! And they don't even work for Seven Hands. But that's mah-jongg. With the reds, look to Consec. #3 or Quints #3. With the one joker and the two mismatched winds, the latter is still too far a reach. No flowers, though. As before, I want to preserve 13579 as a standby, so I pass 2B, 3D, S.

4. Sixes and easts suggest W-D #4. And with sixes in the other suits, this is a real option. I'd keep the dots for a possible Consec., and pass 3B Wh R. I don't like passing two dragons, but offense trumps defense here.

5. The eights and nines, together with the F and R, scream Consec. #3. But also consider Consec. #s 1, 2, and 6. Quints #1 too far away. 1B, 1D, and... 6C.

6. Threes and greens. 369 #3, #6 are best, with a Consec. option. Lots of stuff to pass. How about 5D, W, N for starters.

7. Pair of twos, with nothing to support it among the non-jokers. I'd lose the winds and 9D and hope for clues in the incoming pass.

8. Nines and wests - pretty bad. Might need to break up the wests, but not just yet. I'd pass 2C and dragons.

9. The fours cry out for Like Numbers, but that was a past card. Best bets are 2468 #3, Consec. #s 4 and 6. I'd pass winds and non-crak ones.


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Haven't ordered the 2008 NMJL card yet? Read FAQ 7i.

Need rules for American mah-jongg? Tom Sloper's book, The Red Dragon & The West Wind, is the most comprehensive book in existence about the American game. AND see FAQ 19 for fine points of the American rules (and commonly misunderstood rules). AND get the official rulebook from the NMJL (see FAQ 3).

Watch Jay Firestone's video about a young man (himself) learning to play American mah-jongg. You can see it at Jay is with the Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles.

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